Bitter Birthday Cake

The picture prompt for Friday Fictioneers this week is making me think of cake. Specially chocolate and cherry.

Thank you, Rochelle for the writing encouragement. Click her name for a visit to her wonderful web page. Also, click HERE for more stories from the many great contributors responding to this photo prompt.

Bitter Birthday Cake

Sally pulled on her anorak and flicked the hood up. She would sneak away. 
“Oh, no you don’t.”
“But Mum!”
“I promised Gran a nice birthday cake.”

Sally clatter the mixer on the kitchen table and coughed as flour dust went up her nostrils.

Gran always laughed at her birth mark. She gave away her only puppy. Once, she locked her in the barn because of a biscuit. Always smacking and pulling her ear, nasty. 

“She’ll be 100, it’s special.”
“Not long then.”
“Be nice, Sally. Think of the inheritance.”

Sally added a dash of laxative.
“Yes, special.” She smiled.

17 responses to “Bitter Birthday Cake

  1. A dish served cold, eh?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh dear, Mum’s going to wonder if she should have let Sally run and play!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh dear… That is a very sad thing. Grandmas are supposed to be sweet people but let’s face it, they aren’t all, are they?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sally, you wicked girl! Nice one, James!

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  5. Revenge is a dish best served cold, but it’s extra cold to pull such a prank on a centenarian, no matter how nasty she has been.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh no! Sweet revenge. I just hope she’s making individual portions of that cake. Nice twist.


  7. Looks like the nastiness runs in the family. A wince/laugh story, great fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Better a laxative than poison, I guess. Poor kid was deprived of a kind granny.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I guess if she’s 100 then a laxative is probably the only kind of cake she’d be looking to receive…

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I’m sure Granny’s celestial discharge will be smooth 🙂

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  11. Oh oh dear. That’s a nasty grandma. Mind you, that special cake will affect more than just Grandma. Ouch.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Dear James,

    It doesn’t sound like Sally has great love for her grandmother. Happy birthday, Granny. Hope things move right along for you. 😉



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