Tag Archives: Emotion fear of others

Caught in a Stalker’s Web

Thank you, Rochelle, for posting the picture prompt. Click on her name for more details about Friday Fictioneers.

Read more stories by other contributing writers, HERE. 

That some female spiders devour their mate seems counterproductive, and I do not know why. This week’s picture of a dark spider’s web made me think of the widow-family of spiders and how they must trap the poor male. My story expands on the idea of a female predator and how the unwitting male becomes ensnared in her trap. 

PHOTO PROMPT © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Caught in a Stalker’s Web

Norman turned away from Laticia’s fixation and grey magnetic eyes. He fumbled with his iPhone and knocked over the cola that spilled down his jeans.
He picked up his backpack and dashed out of the café.

Why was the bus always late?
She came striding towards him. Should he run?
‘Hello, Norman.’ The hairy wisps around her lips quivered.
‘Laticia I can’t—’
‘I’ve bought sheen stockings.’

He blushed at his irresistible urge to wear silk.
Laticia kissed his ear. ‘I’ll shave your legs.’

‘No. Go away, Laticia.’
‘Norman! Look.’

In stockings and otherwise naked; his picture on her iPhone.