Tag Archives: Fire Eater

The Pyromaniac

Once again we are in the world of the Friday-Fictioneers. The Wednesday prompt gives us 48hrs to think of a story, I usually wait until Thursday, so I am early this week. Thank you Fleur for the photograph. What were you watching?

Our host’s site is found by clicking her name Rochelle.
Other story contributions can be found with this link, HERE.


The Pyromaniac

Charlette ended her call.
‘That was Mum. Great news, the police found our car.’ 

Her friends whooped and cheered.
‘The camping trip’s still on.’ Charlette gave everyone the thumbs up. ‘Get packing. We’ll leave this afternoon.’

‘What about Anne,’ Jenny said. ‘Will she be coming?’
‘Are you kidding!’ Charlette shook her head.
‘She’ll go crazy.’

The Avondale camp site had built a new utility building after last year’s deliberate fire.

‘It’s a break guys, stress free.’
‘Yes, but Anne–‘
‘You don’t have to come.’
‘Oh no! I’m not staying alone with Anne.’ Jenny grabbed her bag.

Mum called again.