Tag Archives: Traitor to the State

Double Paranoia

This week’s picture is a statement of hiding behind a net curtain, with an element of distrust. Thank you Roger. Also, I wonder what our host Rochelle was thinking when she selected this for our weekly photo prompt.

More contributions to the 100 word Friday-Fictioneers can be found by clicking HERE.

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot

Double Paranoia

Welcome to my world. Surveillance is my trade, as state security is paramount.

For six months, I have had my laser microphones aimed at the windows of Macaulay and Donaldson’s meeting rooms. Top criminal lawyers whose clients have got away with murder and worse, passing technical secrets to dubious agents.

This is boring, listening and recording mundane conversations of carefully orchestrated discussions. I am listening for an occasional slip up with information that might convict them of conspiracy against the government.

They know they are being monitored.
For a substantial retirement fee, I warned them.

Who is watching me?